
Monday, September 9, 2013

"Sweeter Than Fiction" Song Meaning

Today's Taylor Swift song is "Sweeter Than Fiction", a song that she wrote for the movie "One Chance" about Britain's Got Talent winner Paul Potts.  It debuted at the Toronto Film Festival September 9th, 2013.

I just heard a snippet of this song. Love it! Here's hoping it will be released tomorrow.  If not we have to wait til October.

Why did she write this song?

Taylor told City News, "I'm very inspired by the concept of love, and this movie is in a lot of ways a love story. You're expecting to go in and see a story of someone who makes his dreams come true, but what you don't realize is you're actually being told a story of this unconditional love that his wife has for him, his girlfriend has for him. That was the story that hit me and really affected me, so I wanted to tell a story musically from that perspective."

Here are some of the lyrics, “There you stand, take me down, I will say I knew it all along Your eyes are wider than distance, this love is sweeter than fiction."

Can't wait to hear the whole song Taylor!!

Click here for lyrics to the song, "Sweeter Than Fiction". 


  1. what ternak kambin?!you kenal sendiri Dulu baru judge people!Taylor Swift is!

  2. WAT ternak kambing!?you kenal diri first baru you judge people!Taylor the best ever~

  3. Your eyes are wider than distance * (sorry Im only anon cause I don't have an account)

  4. this love is sweeter than fiction ~~


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